Oral-tutoring session
To intensify the learning experience, oral tutoring are to be provided by our Chinese language teaching student interns from Department of Applied Chinese at Wenzao. Each week, interns provide 4 hours of oral tutoring, for a total of 12 hours in three weeks. Each session lasts 2 hours and meets twice a week. Through the tutoring sessions, students are encouraged to practice what they have learned at CCL during the Mandarin classes or they can request thematic discussion of their interest.
Chinese language center of Wenzao
Chinese language skills are an increasingly important part of globalization. The Chinese Language Center was established in September 2002 to improve communication between Chinese and other cultures. Since then, we have been attracting ever-growing numbers of people from all parts of the globe.We believe that learning a language without the cultural context neglects one of the most essential elements of language acquisition. Our program has three basic levels, five intermediate levels, and high advanced levels of speaking, listening,reading and writing, all taught simultaneously. Our state-of-the-art facilities fosterstudents' ability to express themselves in Mandarin.The CLC also offers an annual teachers' training program. Prospective Chinese teachers are rigorously trained in phonology, grammar, etymology and cultural awareness. Qualified individuals become outstanding teachers and ambassadors of Chinese culture.